The impact of higher fuel and emissions costs on air fares and demand
Will higher fuel and emissions costs be passed on to customers in higher fares? If so, what will be the consequences for demand, capacity and market share?

Can Heathrow reclaim its crown as the biggest airport in Europe?
Heathrow airport has fallen behind its two main European competitors during the pandemic. Can it get back to its former position as number one in Europe?

European air traffic recovery snuffed out by second wave
Passenger numbers from the key European airports reveal the extent to which demand fell away in September compared to August.

The changing shape of the UK airline market
The UK airline market has changed radically from last year, not only in terms of overall demand but also in terms of which routes have held up better. Which are the biggest markets today and how does that compare to the pre COVID picture?

European traffic in August, as good as it gets for now?
The August numbers are in for European passenger volumes. Things are improving, but can it last?

Tracking the recovery in European airline demand
European airlines have been adding back capacity since June, but has passenger demand kept up? And who are the leaders and laggards amongst Europe’s big hub airports?

Air travel demand post COVID
What will air travel demand look like over the next year? If we believe what consumers are telling us, it might be stronger than we think.