Drowning in money
How much money did private testing suppliers make from COVID? Recently released results from market leader Randox provide some clues.

COVID travel test suppliers revisited
Back in July, I looked at prices for travel tests and found that the Government's own website was full of suppliers advertising prices that weren't actually available. Grant Shapps promised to clean things up, but six months later, has anything changed?

A new travel restrictions framework
The UK’s much derided traffic light system of travel restrictions was consigned to the dustbin today. Who are the winners and losers from the new system?

Time to rethink the UK’s testing regime for international travel
The UK’s system of testing for travellers is hugely more burdensome than other comparable countries. Is it doing an effective job of reducing risk in return for this massive cost?

What did we learn from the latest update of UK travel restrictions?
Mexico to red, France back to amber, Germany and Austria to green. What does it all mean?

Will we get a big revamp of the UK’s traffic light system on Thursday?
The next installment of the UK’s regular three weekly “travel restrictions drama” is due on Thursday. Will we get the usual handful of moves between categories, or is there a chance of a more dramatic set of revisions?

The true cost of travel test packages
The current UK policy for testing of travellers coming to the UK comes at a significant cost for consumers. Secretary of State for Transport Grant Shapps thinks that prices have come down and downplays the issue. I did a reality check.

Travel freedom for fully vaccinated Brits and more testing data published
From July 19, amber list countries will turn green for fully vaccinated Brits and the under 18s. We also got another dump of arrivals testing data. I took a look at what it all means for the travel industry.

Revised arrivals testing figures reveal the staggering cost of every sample sent for sequencing
The UK government has retrospectively revised the data it published for the UK arrivals testing programme. The new data reveal the staggering cost to travellers of every test result sent for sequencing.

Crunching the data from England’s arrival testing programme
The latest figures have just been released from England's international arrivals testing programme. I crunched the data to see what it tells us about how the system is performing.

An update on COVID testing
We have new results from Canada about the effectiveness of COVID tests as an alternative to quarantines. What do they tell us and what do they imply for the likely results of a new trial launched yesterday by British Airways and American Airlines?

Can COVID testing save the airline industry?
Air Canada is running a programme of COVID-19 testing for international passengers arriving in Toronto. One month into the study, they report “encouraging initial results”. What do they tell us about whether testing could replace or limit quarantine requirements?

Fact checking Boris Johnson’s claim that airport testing would only catch 7% of cases
Boris Johnson rejected industry calls to replace quarantines with airport testing last week, saying that tests would only catch 7% of cases. Where does this statistic come from and does it stand up to scrutiny?